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And Receive a Children's Poem a Day to Prepare the Way

❄️7 Simple Steps on How to Keep Christ in Advent​❄️

❄️28 Jesse Tree Children's Poems & Pictures straight to your inbox daily or  follow my instagram @CatholicSmile❄️

❄️Mass at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem where Christ was born will be offered for all families celebrating Advent and the ​12 days of Christmas Download Our Guide & Submit your Epiphany Mass Prayer Request❄️



And Receive a Children's Poem a Day to Prepare the Way

❄️7 Simple Steps on How to Keep Christ in Advent​❄️

❄️28 Jesse Tree Children's Poems & Pictures straight to your inbox daily❄️

❄️Mass at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem where Christ was born will be offered for all families celebrating Advent and the ​12 days of Christmas Download Our Guide & Submit your Epiphany Mass Prayer Request❄️

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Until Jesse Tree Adventure Begins!


Until Christmas Begins!


Until  Jesse Tree Adventure Begins!


Until Christmas Begins!

Sneak Peak

– Counting to Christmas–

A Children's Jesse Tree Adventure

A Story of Grace in 28 Rhymes
​Direct to your Inbox

Sneak Peak

– Counting to Christmas–

A Children's Jesse Tree Adventure

A Story of Grace in 28 Rhymes
​Direct to your Inbox

Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem

The Birth Place of Love Needs our Help!

Located just 1500 steps from the birthplace of Christ, Holy family hospital In Bethlehem is a state of the art maternity and neonatal critical care center, serving poor and at risk families throughout the holy land.

In this region of conflict, this Catholic teaching hospital stands as a beacon of Hope for families in the Bethlehem region, including refugees and residence of remote desert communities.

Holy family hospital is a primary work of the Order Of Malta, the world‘s largest Christian charity. It is an oasis of peace, where Christians and Muslims work together every day to serve families without regard to need or Creed.

Holy family hospital operates on a budget of $5 million to provide over 40,000 services and deliver almost 5000 babies annually.

​Your support brings life, peace, and hope to the holy land.

Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem

The Birth Place of Love Needs our Help!

Located just 1500 steps from the birthplace of Christ, Holy family hospital In Bethlehem is a state of the art maternity and neonatal critical care center, serving poor and at risk families throughout the holy land.

In this region of conflict, this Catholic teaching hospital stands as a beacon of Hope for families in the Bethlehem region, including refugees and residence of remote desert communities.

Holy family hospital is a primary work of the Order Of Malta, the world‘s largest Christian charity. It is an oasis of peace, where Christians and Muslims work together every day to serve families without regard to need or Creed.

Holy family hospital operates on a budget of $5 million to provide over 40,000 services and deliver almost 5000 babies annually.

​Your support brings life, peace, and hope to the holy land.

Digital Book, Ornament Kit and Hearth Banner Benefit Holy Family Hospital 

All purchases on this website will support Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem.

Digital Book, Ornament Kit and Hearth Banner Benefit Holy Family Hospital 

All purchases on this website will support Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem.

The Jesse Tree Digital Bundle of Joy Includes

Printable Book

Ornament Kit

Heath Banner

​Amazon Book - $15.95
​Amazon Ornament Kit - $25.95

​Digital Bundle now available today
for only  $27

The Jesse Tree Digital Bundle of Joy Includes

​Amazon Book - $15.95
​Amazon Ornament Kit - $25.95

​Digital Bundle now available today
for only  $27

Paper back book and Printed Ornament Kit, Fabric & Home Decor!

Available on Amazon & Spoonflower

Great gifts!

Paper back book and Printed Ornament Kit, Fabric & Home Decor!

Available on Amazon & Spoonflower

Great gifts!

Amazon -  Book

Amazon - Ornament Kit

SpoonFlower - Fabric & Home Decor

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